
Just opened a logistics company, focused on closing the deserted even after shipment,http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, 12 merchants disappeared more than 30 million loan (the newspaper reported on the 24th).

Then, there are three readers to call the newspaper, said that was the receipt with a logistics company, brought back nearly 4 million loan, which is responsible for the logistics of a large cargo truck drivers are also victims.

Three businesses have taken the loss of 40,000 yuan

Yesterday, Mr. readers call the newspaper segment,piumini outlet, said his experience with exactly the same newspaper reported. He operated a dry goods business in the Food City Stone City. On the 18th, a middle-aged man operation Handan accent to his home shop,hogan interactive, discuss the price of seeds,woolrich outlet, when to go to be a store card Zhang, said that a few days contact.

"Around at 10:00 on the 21st, this man called me and asked for 3,500 yuan seeds,http://pcbbbs.net/read.php?tid=468/read.php?tid=468, allow me to deliver the goods on a small town hospital's food truck." Mr. Duan said, when he saw a small truck delivery hanging next to a written "direct WeiXian Shijiazhuang, name, Guantao,http://bbs.suofeiya.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=5536892, daily departure" sign.

"He let me 23 am to find truck drivers parking place for money,louboutin homme, but then the company has not seen the logistics truck." Mr. Duan said the buyer, logistics companies can not contact the phone has been,http://www.amarilfranklin.com.br/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, until the 24th, he After seeing the newspaper reported,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, only to find that he might have cheated.

"I was the first time with this 'buyer', logistics companies." Mr. Duan said,louboutin pas cher, the city where his food, and he suffered both businesses and households, as three of the dried fruit,chaussures tn, beverages and other goods worth about 40,000 yuan money. Subsequently, three businesses reported to the police.

Freight truck driver did not get to live

Since a few days ago was "Handan buyers" swept away by a large number of goods, sell wire Wang and several other businesses these days have been injured in the freight station door waiting, always waiting for the logistics company of the people there. 9 am on the 24th, she saw a man coming from the hospital entrance.

"I know that one coming,hogan outlet roma, the man is the big truck driver!" Ms. Wang said, we immediately around him,http://gruot.gicp.net:87/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=15698233,piumini moncler, just as we would to understand, when actually the name of the truck driver,piumini bambina moncler, said he was temporarily employed logistics company The driver,http://www.88822.com/#03666/read.php?tid=980, the car was his own, so that the freight logistics company boss to Handan name,abercrombie france, after removing the goods, clearing freight to get him back that he is the knot of freight back, he did not know the logistics company has been deserted.

Subsequently,http://wap.wxrb.com/supesite/?action-viewnews-itemid-24879,spaccio moncler, we came together with the driver Stone City Public Security Bureau of Fukang Road east of Interpol squadron. Li police immediately drivers were asked to determine which driver is the victim. Police, after a preliminary judgment, the case belongs to a premeditated fraud,Spaccio woolrich bologna, has been filed, the specific case needs further investigation. Text / reporter intern reporter Zhang Lei Geng Shuo