
65-year-old Jiang repeatedly by international registered mail letters to foreign ways,louboutin, entrainment smuggling ancient coins. Yesterday, the province's first Gubi smuggling in City Intermediate People's Court. Trial, a vice president served as presiding judge,abercrombie pas cher, by a City Procuratorate Deputy Attorney General, as the prosecutor, reflecting the city's attention over this smuggling. In this trial,http://www.yohshomei.com/cgi-bin/Mini/ibbsm.cgi?res=1, the prosecution and defense fierce controversy surrounding the identification of cultural level debate, City Procuratorate all prosecutors to participate in this trial.

 Evening News reporter Lu Yan Tao intern Zhao Menglong

Mailed three relics to overseas 31, 2703 general heritage

Last September 29, Zhengzhou Customs officers at the post office during routine inspection,abercrombie pas cher, first discovered the name "Zhang Dawei" and were sent to the United States from the city's post office four international registered mail, which contains 23 Sengoku Zhao during the currency of the cast; the other eight are "Qianyuan treasures" Money is the first year of Qian Tang minted currency. According to some experts, 31 ancient coins are three relics belonging to our Stop artifacts.

Subsequently, the post office staff found that there are still people in this way to keep the possession of ancient coins abroad mailing letters, Customs detained 19 letters were hiding 987 ancient coins, are generally identified heritage. Jiangji Chun therefore closely watched Zhengzhou Customs.

March 12 this year, Jiangji Chun again to the American Numismatic letters mailed entrainment was arrested, and seized more than their day in Zhengzhou mailed Post 374 ancient coins. On the same day seized Jiangji Chun stored at the hotel ready to mail numismatic 1484. Identified by the investigating authorities, mailed from the city to a total of three Heritage 31 foreign countries,http://rwlacg.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=190787, generally Heritage 2703, none of the Zhengzhou customs declaration, nor achieved national cultural relics license.

To do so, just getting some to his son in the United States

According Jiangji Chun introduction, he is doing all to his son, when he gave Jiang Guowen mailed some ancient coins,herve leger sale, is to make his son as a gift for friends and classmates, but I never thought to be more and more, due to the distressed far son studying in the United States, he had constantly to the US mailing ancient coins, let his son up websites trafficking.

According to prosecutors Zhang Chen said, according to the law, constitutes a crime of smuggling of cultural relics two levels below, shall be liable to five years imprisonment; smuggled 3-8 three relics be liable for more than five years in prison. According to some judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court,hogan outlet, nine more than three smuggling of cultural relics, it is life imprisonment or the death penalty.

At issue: 31 cultural relics belong to three?

Court,woolrich outlet,http://bbs.cfct51.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2361, Jiangji Chun few words, confession attitude is also very good for the prosecutor accused confessed to smuggling of cultural relics, to show the witness testimony and heritage photos mailed to go say "no objection," but he insist 31 Heritage does not belong to three artifacts.

defender Zhang Hongguang,air max, said Ming Yan knife currency is the currency of the country by casting the Warring States period, rather than currency prosecutor said Zhao being cast. There are a variety of literature states that the existence of a large amount of the world, does not belong precious relics, our data show "clear cut due to cast large, wide distribution,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,woolrich outlet, unearthed in more than 10 provinces and cities in Hebei, etc.,http://blackdog.whitesnow.jp/2/bbs2a.cgi, are only under Yan Yi County, Hebei area since 1996 no less than 30 cases unearthed tens of millions. "

Zhang Hongguang said: According to reliable information,http://iemaa.iem.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1414014, Qianyuanshan treasures at least 400 kinds of layouts,hogan outlet, what kind, or what is the ordinary Qianyuan treasures,abercrombie france, appraisers should be recognized. He said that according to regulations, identification of artifacts, hire staff with expertise. The appraisal committee of the provincial cultural relics and the others all have Xiamou National Heritage Bronze responsibility to identify entry and exit class membership, but the three do not have the money to identify qualified class, lack of expertise numismatic terms. The present belongs to the State of Yan Zhao Yan Ming knife identified as the casting, the same Qianyuan treasures were identified as the three relics and artifacts in general, "which belong to the common mistake, certify his lack of expertise in terms of the history of money, so They made the identification of the conclusions do not meet the requirements of the law, not as a basis for decision. "court, Zhang presented the results of several of Hubei expert appraisal, he said, an expert in Chiang also conducted similar Gubi identification, "that this is the common heritage."

The prosecution said the Heritage Commission to identify the three provinces they commissioned officers have identified statutory qualifications, professional qualifications, commission procedures are legal. Qianyuan identified several treasures, although to a different conclusion, there is no generalized, but more specialized and detailed description Identification personnel. The identification of the defense experts invited Hubei province does not belong to the judiciary commission first, followed by all of family heritage identification,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=409, rather than a few pieces of identification of goods seized were confiscated by the Customs,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php,abercrombie outlet, can not be considered the same an article.

Zhang Hongguang said that once the case has been identified legal recognition, a huge number of ancient coins have been wrong as precious relics, business units have one record to the cultural relics department, wasting limited administrative resources, but also increases the transaction costs of heritage, also disturbed the normal market order, the consequences could be disastrous. In this regard, the gallery collectors,abercrombie soldes, Mr. Wu also recognized stelleriana of view, he said, recently clear cut and Qianyuan treasures worth soared badly. "In the end whether these two precious relics, and I especially look forward to the results."