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□ reporter Guo Zhiyuan Ventura

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Third People's Hospital of Zhengzhou City, (hereinafter referred to as the City Hospital) medical diagnosis error surgery, resulting in patients with intestinal fistula, bladder fistula difficult to heal, the medicine will be applied to identify the primary responsibility of Henan attending hospital. Yesterday, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng, 48-year-old Mei Zhenbao skinny, though after a few days of treatment several experts, the signs of the disease is still not healed. After the expert consultation that sicker patients, clinical efficacy is poor, it is recommended to go Beijing and other hospitals for treatment.

Faced with the recommendations of well-known experts, City Hospitals flatly refused, saying Henan families can choose any hospital treatment, but they can not go to Beijing for treatment.


Epididymitis treatment to patients with reactive arthritis

11 o'clock yesterday morning, Zheng freshman Affiliated Building 5 Integrative inpatient, 48-year-old Mei Zhenbao lying in bed, thin body almost skinny. Bedside diagnostic card said he was suffering from the symptoms of reactive arthritis.

"Body something like this, I really want to live." Mei Zhenbao sobs that he lives in a cotton factory in Zhengzhou community, in March 2008, he was suffering from acute epididymitis left side, Check City hospital urology treatment . Administration of anti-inflammatory treatment days, the patient did not improve at the testicles becomes large, hard was dark purple, until the abscess of the left testicle removed later. After several days, the anus appear to fall, celiac often uncomfortable. May 20,http://breakfastup.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=957, again to the City hospital review, doctors check ultrasonography, CT after diagnosis, said, "I was suffering from colon cancer, the need for surgery." Mei said Zhenbao, June 3, two doctors to open its intraperitoneal said that the original tumor is seen colonoscopy intestines adhesions pimple. Put them down on the spot open, and no longer intercept the intestines of. "The operation was made more than five hours,http://www.garagemak.com/joyful.cgi, beginning 15 cm long hole in the stomach. It was so that there is no cancer." Mei Zhenbao say, let them not expect that,tiffany outlet, nearly two months after the surgery the hospital blind, blade has been not heal. Long-term incision secretions, Shi attending doctor does not check nonunion reason,louboutin pas cher, just tell them that not long incision is normal, there are differences in each person's body, "You are to go the United Nations, the wounds have to slowly grow." A vice president of ridicule he said. And now the treatment can only sustain life by infusion, the effect is minimal.


Not long incision was originally due to intestinal fistula

"Hospitals in the city look bad, we can not Hao Zhao die." Mei Zhang said his wife,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi?mode=entry&ym=200806&no=157, July 24, 2008, her husband was discharged from the hospital after City 153 directly to the hospital for treatment, the doctor read the medical admissions According to immediately do the film, the result is displayed as "sigmoid fistula." Doctors said the plum intestines out of the question, wound healed well, and want a good long incision must first treatment of intestinal fistula.

In the hospital after treatment, plum intestinal fistula eased, the incision on the stomach heal quickly. 153 hospital due to intestinal fistula are not cures, doctors advised them to Nanjing to a hospital for treatment, then they bring the matter back to the City Hospital, the other party agreed to send a car to send someone to take him to therapy, "went around twice, medical expenses are they take. "Zhang said, in Nanjing, several months of treatment, although not completely cure the disease, but the situation is better than before, and they listened to the recommendations of City hospital, home to convalesce slowly. In the meantime, the more they feel City Hospitals diagnostic error, then propose to do Medical Malpractice.

"You see, the responsibility of City Hospitals how much." Zhang Ailing out numbered Medical Malpractice Book Henan Yi Jian (2009) No. 023, "Analysis Opinion" column indicates:

1. The first patient treatment, surgery is indicated in the medical side to take. But in the postoperative continuous rise in body temperature, wound infection,abercrombie france, abdominal pain and other symptoms circumstances, the medical side has not been enough attention, no further examination, resulting in lower abdominal infection has not been effectively controlled.

2. Patients with a second treatment, the medical side did not fully consider patients with severe perineal infection history,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1,mulberry sale, and only the colonoscopy, CT and other test results, diagnosis, "sigmoid placeholder" error, the line "laparotomy" and so on.

Thus, negligence and patient medical side of the current "fistula",air jordan pas cher, "bladder fistula," there is a causal relationship. Therefore, the primary responsibility. Inscribed in time is April 10, 2009, stamped Henan Province Medical Malpractice stamp.


Henan than experts recommend referral

Zhang said,abercrombie pas cher, the past three years, the family has been spent in hardship, looked at her husband gradually got worse, she raised the West by East spent nearly 200,000 yuan four treatment. Last December, the husband dangerous condition,http://www.langshan.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=3764655285, sent him to the Provincial Tumor Hospital for treatment, more than the doctor said after consultation, multiple organ failure, plum body, any complication enough to want their lives for their physical condition, the hospital doctor four times in succession to the notice issued a referral, "Proposal to City hospital for treatment." Zhang Ailing wept and said, experts Provincial Tumor Hospital, had mixed feelings that I did not expect such a low-level errors occur.

Zhang said,sac chanel, without doing Malpractice ago, the city of hospitals several times to make rogue move, saying they can stop this thing,http://www.dingshanba.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=459128, you want them to go to court to sue the hospital. Pending identification results came out, greatly change their attitude, "to pay for medical expenses now have more than 70 million,louboutin pas cher, and gave us 1,http://www.cclchinese.com/?action-viewcomment-type-news-itemid-6651,000 yuan a month living expenses."

This year in August, they are multi-disciplinary reasons,scarpe hogan, choose to Zheng freshman Affiliated treatment, but more than the doctor after consultation,hollister, still recommend them to Beijing and other places of hospital treatment. November 26, Zheng freshman Affiliated Integrative Medicine issued instructions Mei's condition, said Beijing Union Medical College Hospital and 301 hospitals in the country is very well known, I believe that if treated as soon as possible, he also survived possible.

"Henan doctors the ability to make out, we do not want to look at him as a family member die in pain." Zhang said that since hearing experts recommend referral, they repeated representations with the City Hospital, was rejected.


City Hospitals still insisted that no transfers

Yesterday 14:50 Xu, Zhang Ailing and sister sub once again came to the city three homes, inquiring whether referral hospitals settle down. 8 minutes later, Zhang Ailing did not see the House leadership, they use Medical Services landline phone rang Wang, vice president, vice president, said Wang referral thing impossible. Wang, vice president did not say a few words to hang up, then call unanswered.

According to hospital Medical Services Chief Shang Hongmei introduced over this malpractice, they take full responsibility. A few days ago, the Academy will examine the decision,chanel pas cher, plum Zhenbao not referral treatment, "What is the reason? Is it boil watching him die!?" Cried the face of Eileen Chang, Shang Kezhang bench inside, without any answer.

"I beg you, help me brother now." See Shangke Chang quietly, Zhang's sister sub thump knees, crying seeking hospital "mercy." At the moment, Shangke Zhang and hospital security personnel approached, it was helped up, relieved that they would like to open more.

"In order to give him medical treatment, we have spent more than 90 million." City Hospitals DangBan responsible person, Henan doctors complain level difference with Beijing doctor, to see where the therapeutic effect are the same, so why run Nen distance yet. In that case, the patient's family is not easy.

"I believe that therapeutic levels of Beijing Hospital, said doctors are the same level is sophistry." Zhang said, in late November, she asked her husband referral treatment of Hospitals, was beaten over the hospital staff, was also reported to the police, "in Henan see all money, why do not want to go to Beijing to treat it. We do not understand what they are playing tricks,http://www-cgi.ed.kagu.tus.ac.jp/tus-cgi-bin/~pipo2/2bu/chan.cgi, but for her husband's body, I will continue to fight to go. "