
A two-meter-long spoon, five vats,abercrombie pas cher, yesterday 8:00,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, a man in Zhengzhou City, the eight markets excavation waste oil when the door was busted. But no relevant legal provisions, the police station, Zhengzhou City, waste oil campaigns investigation team have said, can not handle this person.

■ Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Yan Tingting and Shi Xisheng Zhaomeng Long

Men dug trench oil busted

8 o'clock yesterday morning, after eight vegetable market entrance, a group of people will be a man around the center.

The man head down, sleeves, shoes covered with speckled grunge. Beside a motorized tricycle,woolrich outlet,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, the top five vats, the lid edge with yellow oil blocks. The car still stuck with his "secret device" - a two-meter-long spoon.

"Dug waste oil to sell, really bad conscience." Uncle Zhang stared angrily. Nearby residents said the guy when cooking oil was being dug patrol team caught a current.

Reporters saw, has filled four barrels within five drums, and the other half of the barrel is installed. Ms. Lee, who lives nearby, said the sewage wells and toilet drainage channel connected by eight markets, the nearby hot pot restaurants, family member courtyard of sewage, multi-stream here.

Faced with public questioning, the man whispering: "These waste oil sold West End, to fried fritters."

First time busted, ye penalty into the problem

9 am, after eight neighborhood offices Gang Enforcement squadron led by two law enforcement team captain rushed to the scene, but it felt very tricky thing to make Gang: "We are the first encounter someone dug waste oil in the street." He After the special legal section and squadron contact,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, according to "undocumented waste disposal," the regulations, withheld its tools.

Although the tool was confiscated, but the guy children ye deal? Guard members also to difficult, no way, Guard members will be sent to the police station after eight, a deputy director surnamed Liu,sac chanel, said he was not stealing, no way to initiate and criminal detention.

12:00 pm, Zhengzhou City, waste oil campaigns investigation team arrived. The man claiming to be enabled Guo, 23-year-old, who lives in the civil rights Lin Cai Tong Village Shangqiu seven townships, now living stone village of the Central Plains area. Why mention fishing waste oil, Guo enable said: "chemical use,louboutin pas cher, sell Xinxiang." Additional information he not and will not say.

"He did not say that we can we supposed to do? We have no basis for enforcement." Investigation team of staff that even find their refining point, if the parties deny that they are refining the oil will be sold deep-fried fritters, or restaurants, they can not handle. The fundamental reason is that the country no relevant laws and regulations, unable to contain private dug waste oil from the source. "This one is a blank."

People say this is the crime of endangering public safety

For individuals and private dug trench oil sold restaurants,http://community.good.is/do/61hfuhy8kp, public Zhang said that this increase in behavior could endanger public safety crime? In his view,hollister france, drunken driving, causing casualties, the drunk driving cases can be identified as the crime of endangering public safety. And let waste oil onto the table,http://youiv.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the gain behavior,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1,hollister sale, the same public health hazard, although potential, but larger scale victimization.

In this regard,moncler sito ufficiale,http://szbbs.sznews.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the right days Zhengzhou branch of law firm lawyers Shaochun not agree. He said that the law mainly to see the consequences of things, edible cooking oil harmful,abercrombie outlet, but the consequences are mostly minor. The relevant departments to intensify supervision and punishment, can curb this phenomenon. In the absence of evidence to make cooking oil onto the table, then that person really can not be punished.

However, Shaochun also said that once the waste oil after eating a security incident, the public security departments for investigation to the relevant persons responsible waste oil can be in accordance with the "Criminal Law" Article 144 clearly stipulates punishment. Which states: "incorporated in the production and sale of food products with toxic and harmful non-food materials, or knowingly sells mixed with toxic and harmful non-food raw materials,abercrombie, food, imprisonment or criminal detention serious. hazards could have been sentenced to death. "

Zhengzhou, the introduction of relevant policies

Since the waste oil spread, Zhengzhou municipal government attaches great importance to the matter, recently set up a special investigation team of waste oil,http://www.4899.cc/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=586248, the investigation team from industry and commerce,hollister france, quality supervision, environmental protection, pharmaceutical, health, municipal food control office, chased the seven departments Staff deployed coalition.

According to the survey team staff revealed, Zhengzhou City one day to produce hundreds of tons of food waste. Jinshui food waste plant was established in the early running, Jinshui staff to collect more than 100 large and medium sized hotel free of food waste, but does not come close, now discontinued. Intermediate involves a "benefit" word, because a lot of restaurants for profit, to sell low-cost acquisition of individuals.

Recently, the investigation team drafted a "waste oil regulators Interim Measures Zhengzhou City," including the provision of fixed intermediate units, fixed cars, set people, timing excavation waste oil. Recently, the government has sent a mission was undertaken to Xining,scarpe hogan, Chengdu and other research, study,scarpe hogan, then, will introduce regulations to the provisions of the waste oil management issues.

■ stone hills

Japan: High recovery when fuel

Japanese people love to eat all kinds of fried food, so it also brings a lot of cooking oil. But Japan's waste oil gone?

First, the Japanese government high recovery of waste oil. Japan now by professional waste oil recycling company, and sold at a higher price the Japanese government, the Japanese government will be used as a garbage truck fuel these waste oil refining.

Second, the recycled waste oil castor oil is added immediately to prevent re-eaten. Professional companies will go in the first time to the recycling of waste oil by adding a certain percentage of castor oil, castor oil is completely unable to eat, so that not only facilitate the purification of future use, but also to prevent the waste oil from a fundamental re-flow table .

Finally, food hygiene very harsh social supervision. In Japan, once the waste oil into a similar incident occurred in the food industry, in addition to being punished by the law outside the enterprise will certainly accident closed down due to loss of customers. (Clues provided: John Doe letter)