Large river (Reporter song to music) family still do not know him drop out three years ago, they did not know he had been funded by tuition and students, to complete his dream - traveled to China. In the past three years, he crossed the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, alone walked the Great Wall of China, Tibet and a half away half of the Red Army. Today, Song Xiaosheng guest studio big river,hogan interactive, big river to parents by saying "I'm sorry."

To allow both sisters Song Xiaosheng school dropouts

Song Xiaosheng has three siblings, he ranked second child. Song Xiaosheng big river when a guest says high school when he was 17 years old,bracciale tiffany, my sister and sister to his studies and dropped out of school. Song Xiaosheng said,woolrich outlet, on the one hand is his study, on the other hand is valued rural households are boys.

According to Li Yan Song Xiaosheng classmate introduced Song Xiaosheng is a love of learning. Li Yan,peuterey outlet milano, he transferred to the class, always rush to pick up a book and read intently.

"Strictly speaking, I only went for two years in high school,louboutin soldes, the other time in the year to earn money outside when working in the south,hogan, life is very hard, all day, eat a last meal and no next meal, also looked down upon. " said that from then on, he secretly vowed in mind:." Growing up family must find a way to change this situation. "

With this in mind, the Song Xiaosheng again, back to school, so repeated three times to drop out after high school is completed.

Song Xiaosheng high school students that Song Xiaosheng is a love of learning, the courage to play the man.

Withdrawal determined sophomore year around the country for three years around the world

In 2007,, Song Xiaosheng admitted located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Attorney Lake College to study law profession.

said, to study law at the time from the south to work in a factory to see the guys died in a car accident, but no one cares. At that time,moncler milano, he put him only 4,,000 dollars to a small group of relatives.

Sophomore, Song Xiaosheng chose to drop out. Song Xiaosheng that the current education system and university education, not for their own development. In summer 2008, he was selected in the Beijing opening day,, to cross the Yangtze River in Wuhan.

After the swim the Yangtze River, Song Xiaosheng absorbed in such an exciting life. Immediately decided to immediately back to Henan, to cross the Yellow River.

Song Xiaosheng Henan University was on a high school classmate who discourage him, too dangerous. Song Xiaosheng did not listen and insisted on the Yellow River to swim. After crossing the finish of the Yellow River,air max femme pas cher, he would have a plan to walk the Great Wall.

October 2008,woolrich outlet, Song Xiaosheng straight to Shanhaiguan, began his walk the Great Wall.

Song Xiaosheng said,spaccio moncler, hiking at the beginning, just to exercise under his own perseverance, who knows floodgates.

After completing a challenge, he always wants to continue to complete another challenge. In the meantime, he repeatedly encounter danger, he twice broke his arm, suffered the wolves, but he did not give up.

Turning to the future, Song Xiaosheng behave more confidently. He said it would take two years of time walking around the country, and then three years to take advantage of transport around the world. After five years, will stop this walk, do their own thing.

User: not only to thousands in, but also read a lot

On Weibo, many netizens have expressed their views. Someone behind, was opposed. Some netizens support Song Xiaosheng behavior, praised it as the Chinese version of Forrest Gump.

Emmanuel said, praising the wisdom of friends "ideals! There are action! Have courage!" Tippy fragrance friends says,, "not only to trip further, but also read a lot,woolrich outlet, this is escapism."

User magic vest that "do not agree with him, he should let the family know at least do it before,, say people have to live for themselves once,, but you can not live only for your own sake,, do not say to Dali alive to society contribution should at least think about the feelings of the family. "

An Qi lazy friends,,spaccio woolrich, "I admire his courage and perseverance, but also that he did not tell their parents to drop out and travel sources and confused. Dream come true, sometimes not only requires courage and perseverance, but also the need for capacity. Life is very long Why not lay the bags and then hit the road! "

In this regard, responded that he hopes that we can see their hiking bring the positive side, they will learn nutrition during travel, to prepare for future work.