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The evening of July 18 Super Lotto lottery first country out of 12,083 first prize a note bonus 10 million yuan. This is the only one note million prize Whispering Hangzhou,woolrich outlet, the morning of July 24, a gray-haired, shambling old man,tiffany milano, walked into the hall,http://www.bbstg.com/?http:/read.php?tid-74746-ds-1.html, Zhejiang Duijiang Lottery Management Center, the winner is he! In the interview with the author of the course, the old man has been talking with his mouth: "I never thought, I did not expect."

It turned out that this get the grand prize in the lottery, is the old man in a casual way by bus interchange income election machine, "not to mention 10 million,http://syobolog.ldblog.jp, even to 10 dollars,http://newhouse.0472fcw.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1439747&uid=62610, I feel very happy." The old man said excitedly .

Heilongjiang grandfather who defected a few years to come to Hangzhou children work here. The condition of children is not very good, so usually grandfather body slightly better when people give odd jobs to support their family. In fact,woolrich outlet, the "old man" is only 58 years old,spaccio moncler, looks much more old than the actual age,louboutin homme pas cher, imagine the hardships of life.

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In addition to surprise, this sudden million award,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, but also the fulfillment of a long-standing desire of the old man.

"Over the years, family life has been very hard, thanks to the side has been good for us,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, I am grateful,http://satodamai.com/bbs/honey/honey.cgi?page
, thinking they have the opportunity to repay," the old man voice began to tremble, "I never thought in my lifetime even really have such an opportunity, thank you, thank you Lottery! "This thank heavy, in fact,piumini peuterey, the old man should be grateful that millions of lottery friends, their participation and love,abercrombie outlet, the grandfather of today's achievement award.