
What are the consequences of kissing? Bitten lips? Anhui unemployed in Liyang Alan Li has suffered a major loss because of improvement in heart: had intended to kiss a girl, was strongly against the girls, the girls will eventually be biting his tongue, panic-stricken girl scared to a truncated tongue spit back Alan Li mouth. At 1:00 on July 31 or so, who lives in tongue biting Alan Li Liyang Longting District Court Xiaochun home, called the police. Reporter yesterday learned from Liyang City, south of the police station, the two sides have reached a settlement agreement.

His tongue bitten off, the girl was shocked

Xiaochun claiming to be a "wine salesman" Liyang City,http://bbs.cnlxjkw.com/thread-5642364-1-1.html, a high-end KTV, and after the evening of 30 July, the sisters work together with shared rental return,http://19louwomen.tk/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=46833, on his way home from his sister was Wang Lei Yu received a customer's phone,nike air max, said it wanted to eat barbecue along with Zeng Yu, who do not want to go alone feather,nike air jordan pas cher,http://www.leyuntv.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=1611, they go one way or another Koharu, Koharu already somewhat tipsy, they agreed to travel together and had feathers. Then they came to the Tang Village Grill. Line of five or six people at a barbecue restaurant to eat barbecue, drink a case of beer, during late autumn and Wang Lei's cousin Alan Li talk quite well. Satiated,http://www.iwata-tenjindou.co.jp/cgi-bin/wfinder.cgi,air jordan pas cher femme, Xiaochun already drunk,air jordan pas cher homme, drunk with Yu Xiaochun had wanted to go back, Alan Li, Wang Lei, they want to send them both back home, had feathers refused. However,http://taf5686.269g.net, Li and Wang Lei insisted to send, then take a taxi came together Longting District Court.

After Yu and Xiaochun was sent to the cell,woolrich milano, Alan Li Xiaochun intention to send home, Koharu not, let their home, but Alan Li insisted the door,http://www.italiawave.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi, closed in late autumn occasion, Alan Li door hard to open, Xiaochun of forced entry into the house,parajumpers jakke salg, they began kissing Xiaochun implementation. According to the parties Xiaochun recalls: "It was Li Fuqiang line opened my door and began kissing me after implementing room door, I did think he wanted to rape me,louboutin homme, I would banging his head, but He still would not let me go, when I want to shout for help when he suddenly put his tongue into my mouth, I do not want to be that he violated desperation, I would bite his tongue, I did not expect once bitten his tongue down his tongue out at the time in my mouth, and then I turn to fall tongue spit into his mouth, and then he ran away muzzled. "

Nowhere to turn for help, the girl had "self-defense"

After Alan Li was bitten off his tongue then ran downstairs to look for Wang Lei, Wang Lei,chaussures tn requin, LI Fu quickly taken to the hospital for treatment. And during treatment with Alan Li Xiaochun discuss matters of compensation, Lei Wang Xiaochun damages for medical expenses to be allowed to police, so they will not be trouble. But Alan Li Xiaochun believe infringe their intentions, their behavior is simply self-defense, unwilling to accept the other medical expenses claim. So, Xiaochun they notified the police, the police will Xiaochun, Wang Lei,http://www.sqhwlm.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=41724, Zeng Yu,soldes nike, LI Fu four back to the police station. Xiaochun when police record, said at the time of the violation of their own, had vigorously treading floor, I hope to attract the attention of the landlord downstairs, but ultimately to no avail, leaving the scene after the incident Alan Li Shihai not forget the threat of their own, "...... then he run,http://www.oulude.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=187916, run, when his mouth to say something: 'You give me remember.' "

Off the tongue could not follow, man difficulty speaking

According to police investigators, who recalls that the police police in the cell door encountered a mouthful of blood Alan Li, when finally understand already inarticulate Alan Li said his tongue bitten off, the police will ask, "Where is the tongue?" Lee blessing a hand,tn requin pas cher, but police shocked: "! full length biting on blood Tanzhao palm tongue" after the police immediately rushed to hospital for treatment Alan Li, but then the doctor said, according to the hospital temporarily off the tongue with the continuation of medical conditions, need to go to Shanghai for treatment, but if you went to Shanghai treatment,soldes air jordan, they missed the best treatment time, could lead to no longer speak later, "then do not go to follow, and now speak are included Alan Li vague, we are taking note of the police at the time did not know what he was saying. "the director told reporters.

After coordination of the police,hollister france, the two sides reached an agreement late autumn and Alan Li, after the payment of medical expenses 6500 yuan Xiaochun by both sides not to pursue the matter. Zhang Fang Zhou Jie Bi-CSL