
□ reporter Zhao Lei WANG Yi Fei

Four passengers restrained Anhui Morning News was a thief and pickpocket associates hit, three were stabbed. As of press time yesterday, the reporter learned from the police, January 3 pm in Minhang District 729 bus stops assailant, Wang and his friends siege assault suspects, seven people were arrested.

The police received a report highly regarded in the unified command under the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Minhang Public Security Bureau and other units quickly set up a task force to start the investigation, visited the site, and to the bus drivers, passengers near the station, witnesses asked in detail about the relevant circumstances, This docking station and then the bus driver had made a record with the police.

After two days and nights of poverty, yesterday seven suspects have been arrested. Three people arrested in Humin a chess room, four others arrested in the discharge Crane Road farm. This seven per capita has a criminal record, are over 30 years old, mostly for Chongqing membership. Among them are one person but had been fugitives Shanghai police pickpocketing online. [Reporter's notes]

City of peace "patron"

□ Zhao Lei

In an interview the day before yesterday, indifferent spectators, ruthless rejection, Zeng restrained by pickpocketing and hit the injured and their families suffered was feeling sad. Yesterday, bedside fruit and flowers, as well as a number of copies is not much, but full of profound friendship of condolences to Kim, a picture of a smiling face with sincere concern, so that their hearts filled with a deep sense of warmth.

Musters a smile on their face, no matter who the reporter interviewed the wounded, they will say, thank the people of Shanghai, thank Shanghai, we felt so warm, but they said in unison, next time you encounter pickpockets, but also will not hesitate to stand up.

2010 Shanghai World Expo will be held successfully,http://www.zuoyecool.com/thread-22167-1-1.html, the people of Shanghai and the country can not do without the full support of the people, and now, the Expo has come to an end, in the "post-Expo" period,http://www.emr4u.net/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, Ping Shanghai also ultimately the people of Shanghai and all the people for their support. According to Horizon survey, in 2010, the city public security index reached 84.06 percent, an increase of 11.39% over 2009,http://www.aurosiksha.org/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, Shanghai is more how to make peace, to make the public feel more secure,prezzi peuterey, four Anhui passengers, when in the face of wrongdoing , did not hesitate to come forward, justice and courage to see, for each of us to make an example.

And fought against Mr. Wang said, in fact, not necessarily the surrounding onlookers rushed to help them fight with criminals,peuterey bambino, but as long as their side stand firmly solidarity with them, they feel have a "patron." In the interview, there are a lot of people told reporters that if they were at the scene, even if the criminals can not be subdued immediately, but we have to come forward and become four Anhui Warriors "patron."

Such a "patron" is a Shanghai public stand in sharp intense hate crime wrongdoing, but also give the brave efforts to maintain peace in Shanghai.

□ Morning News reporters Zhao Lei and Wang Yifei

January 3 in the afternoon,http://www.xinhelan.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,giubbotti woolrich prezzi, three passengers in the bus station and the thief was stabbed fight, but the people around it sit on the sidelines. Morning News reported yesterday after the matter has aroused widespread concern readers. "No matter if everyone timid, and that these criminals will be more arrogant! Their actions promote social righteousness!" Many readers call the newspaper and ask three injured injury and recovery,nike air jordan 3 femme, and hope that through this newspaper forwarded condolences gold. Public Gary said: "I often take the 729 road, also encountered pickpocketing cases, they come forward, I am very impressed if you feel insecure,http://bbs.qiruan.com.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=27691, regardless of whether that is fueling bad arrogance.."

Yesterday, the reporter once again came to the hospital to visit Anhui UOB passengers were injured, and the small intestine was pierced Wang Chen (a pseudonym), was stabbed to pneumothorax Tong Yu (a pseudonym) is currently in stable condition, the calf was stabbed Zhang Wei (pseudonym ) has been able to move around.

Injured passengers: At least half months to recuperate from injury

See again severely injured Chen and Wang Yu-tung, the two color has significantly improved a lot. Although still lose the oxygen, but Wang Chen obvious effort to speak more,http://www.weilaikejicheng.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, also with a smile on his face. On the way reporters pushed to do more than tung CT examination, he said, today feels a lot smoother breathing, chest tightness, feeling also reduced.

The hospital revealed that the two victims currently in stable condition, Wang Chen abdominal condition has improved, but I Tong Because the lungs are still 40% -50% compression,giacche peuterey uomo, future treatment will further adjust the position of the drainage tube. Currently, Dahua Hospital has already opened a green channel,http://www.37tx.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=13367, and organized a focus on the medical team, and invited experts outside the hospital consultation. It is reported that Wang Tong Chen and I also need to convalesce treatment for at least a half months, it may be discharged from injury.

Member of the public: a spontaneous visit home to send condolences to Kim

From the beginning of last night, there have been people come to the ward strangers visit them. Yesterday morning, the hospital leadership has purposely Dahua Hospital wards came to visit the wounded, and sent flowers and condolences to Kim.

Wang Chen's wife, said: "Around 9:00 that night, there is good-hearted people specifically to the hospital to visit us, they are a family of three, or our fellow Anhui,piumini moncler sito ufficiale, go Shihai sent 300 yuan yesterday morning, and after another. Shanghai residents over five or six, sent us a condolence payments, as well as fruits, flowers. "

Interview, the reporter came to visit just met their Shanghai DAVID Enterprise Development Center staff. Staff said branch informed of this launch donation immediately after, this time brought 8,000 yuan condolence payments condolence letters to express their concern and admiration.

Wang Chen's brother Wang Liang (a pseudonym) told reporters that he borrow some money together with the public and some units sent condolences to Kim, is expected to 22,000 yuan in medical expenses or able to pay, if they have a surplus condolence payments, going to put it donated to other people who need help.

Comprehensive management departments: helping relatives is courageous

Chatted with the royal brothers will declare whether courageous when Wang Liang said he could not declare, but if possible, I hope my brother,outlet woolrich padova, I Tong,giubbini moncler prezzi, Zhang declared.

Reporters yesterday, "Suppression of relatives being stolen if hit count Samaritan" to the comprehensive management department staff conducted a consultation. The staff said that if the circumstances of the case investigation is consistent with the case reflected the injured,peuterey saldi, indicating the case, may that this is courageous, if relevant investigations prove that the event is only triggered altercation dispute, the injured belonged to the victims, their behavior can not be identified as courageous.

"3 km to close one hundred yuan," the "Columbia" return fare

"After the incident, the injured self Yang went to the hospital suffered strokes rental rejection, followed by 3 km road has been charged 100 yuan." Yesterday the media after the disclosure issue, causing the relevant departments. Yesterday, reporters came to the hospital, the staff taxi management sector is bedside, Wang Chen, who to ask about the situation in detail. And before the reporters arrived, Wang Liang accept this 100 dollars taxi driver leadership and its affiliated companies, has come to the hospital to return this 100 yuan, to apologize to them, also sent condolences to Kim.

"Hundred fast tune": 75% of people in favor of the "courageous and determined to stop relatives stolen"

See steal only one spot as more people choose to stop

□ intern Fanglin Li Zhu Jie MA □ reporter Pan Yan Jun Tan Liujie

Morning News to stop relatives stolen,http://www.aiwuzhe.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, courageous count it? "Morning? Questionnaire" yesterday's "Hundred fast tune" shows, accounting for 75% of the total number of respondents believed that "Yes."

For the time of the incident "no help", after the incident, "the brother rejection" of the situation, 43% of respondents think the reason is that "social atmosphere" that reason is "afraid of getting into trouble," "personal qualities" of The proportion of respondents were 39% and 16%.

If you see a bus with a small sneak something, how would you do? 51% of respondents said they would "imply that were stolen," 22% of respondents choose to remember the physical characteristics of the thief, the police afterwards. Only 14%,peuterey bologna, 12% of respondents,woolrich donna roma, respectively,giubbotto pelle peuterey, chose the "on the spot to stop the thief" and "Tell the driver and conductor."